About the Melts

Scarborough Lane

About the Melts

I tried many wax blends in the beginning and this was the blend that my customers responded to and liked the best.  I know some are not a fan of paraffin.  Remember when melting the wax, you aren't burning it up into the air like a candle.  What melts, stays melted until you dispose of it in the trash.  

It takes quite a lot of trial and error when finding the right oil for what I want to create.  All blueberry scents are definitely not equal.  Each supplier has their own formulations.  It's easy to end up with a lot of nope before finding the loves.  So there is a lot of learning along the way that continues throughout.  It's fun to come up with unique mixes and most times I strive for unique blends in hopes that there isn't any other out there exactly like mine.

These melts are handmade with high quality ingredients.  It took several years of trial and error to get to a spot where I feel I have a pretty solid selection of spot on scents.  I mix them all in small batches, pour them, label them, pack them, etc.  It really is a tiny business out of our home!

What I can't offer customers are any guarantees beyond that these are handmade melts that I've made myself.  I don't try to use common marketing gimmicks to increase my sales.  I want my products to speak for themselves.  

I don't claim they will last X amount of hours because how could I ever predict that?  I don't know what warmer you are using.  An electric warmer gets quite a bit hotter than a little nightlight warmer and could burn off the scent faster.

And I don't know how much you might use at a time.  I do recommend to keep a decent melt pool (pool of melted wax) of at least 1/2 an inch.  Also the airflow in your room matters too.  Airflow helps to carry the scent around and not all rooms will have the same.  

I'll never say mine are double or triple scented because that would imply I know how much oil someone else is using and that is not something I know.  I adjusted my recipes to what customers ended up being most happy with.  I don't know what someone else uses and they don't know what I use.  

I try to be an honest seller and help customers out as much as I can.  Please always feel free to contact me if you have questions.  I do have a busy home to keep up with too so sometimes I am behind a bit, but I will get back to you. ❤